Year 6 Transition
Who's Who?

Take a look around the academy via our Virtual Tour
Click and drag the virtual tour below to see all areas of the academy from the comfort of your home. When you see a ‘hotspot’ click to see what our staff and students have got to say!
Finding My Way Around
This document will guide you through following a timetable and navigating the building.
View linkAcademy Map
View linkBBC Bitesize
This link will provide you with some useful hints about starting secondary school.
The College Manager Team
The College Manager team are your go to person in school. Each College has a College Manager, and there are a team of deputies who help them. The College Manager team sort out any behaviour issues, and anything that is getting in the way of your learning. You will see the College Manager team out and about round the academy all day. See attached for who鈥檚 who.
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